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DDoS Protection Setup


It's highly recommended to read the Advanced Theory page first.

Or at least the Terminology part of it.

TCP Shield, Ngrok, or NeoProtect — is the TCP Proxy you use to protect your main server. It only supports the TCP protocol.

Plasmo Voice can't work on the TCP protocol.

And there is no properer "DDoS protection proxy as a service" for the UDP protocol used by Plasmo Voice.

That's why you need to make your own UDP Proxy.

Rent a Node

You need to rent a Virtual or a Dedicated Node with good UDP protection.

OVHcloud is a solid choice. You can get a VPS with good protection for like 7$.

We'll call this a UDP Proxy Node.

Set up the UDP Proxy Node

Install Nginx

Nginx is the software we will use to forward traffic from the UDP Proxy to a Voice Server.

Use this guide to install it:

(Or use Google if you don't use Ubuntu)

Edit Nginx config

Lets we have a Main Node: and UDP Proxy Node:

Main Node is running a Server with Plasmo Voice configured like this:

ip = "" # Same as
port = 1000 # Same as 0 if 1000 is the port of the Game Server

In the main config of Nginx nginx.conf you need to add these lines:

stream {
  server {
    listen 2000 udp; # You can use any port. You will need this later. 
    proxy_pass; # IP of the Voice Chat server on the Main Node
  server {
    # If you need to add more servers

Now the UDP Proxy Node will forward all traffic it receives on UDP port 2000 UDP to the proxy_pass IP:

Edit Plasmo Voice Config

Next, we need to make it so that players will connect to the UDP Proxy Node instead of connecting directly to the Voice Server.

You can do it by changing the Plasmo Voice config on the Main Node.

ip = "" # Same as
port = 1000 # Same as 0 if 1000 is the port of the Game Server

ip = "" # UDP Proxy Node IP
port = 2000 # `listen` port

And that's it. Configure your Main Node firewall so that it only allows UDP traffic from the UDP Proxy Node and the voice chat will work.


UDP Proxy Node should have all UDP ports open.

If you only open the port you've used for listen this will cause problems.

Make sure not to block all ports in the firewall.


There is a rare problem when the proxy only works periodically.

Adding this to a server block may help.

stream {
  server {
    # ...
    proxy_timeout 15s;